Spot Correcting Cream is formulated with unique natural whitening active ingredients enhanced by multivitamins anti-oxidant vitamins (A, E and C) to obtain the maximum beneficial results. Works to inhibit pigmentation, decrease spots caused by sun-exposure and aging factors, in addition to tone the color difference. Combined with Vegetal Collagen & Dead Sea Minerals to improve the efficiency of this product and add more elasticity and nourishment to the skin. Leaves your skin more clarified, youthful-looking with bright texture and homogeneous color tone.
Direction of use:Apply on pre-cleansed skin using Rivage cleansers. Apply an enough amount of Spot Corrector Cream with a circular gentle massage motion. This natural product is recommended for all skin types with frequent use twice a night for 4 weeks. To obtain maximum benefit, apply Rivage Sun Block Cream during daytime.